St. 菲利普的大学 Celebrates 125th Anniversary



St. 菲利普学院校园

今年是特别的一年 St. 菲利普的大学. 它将迎来第125个年头th 3月1日纪念日.

St. Philip’s started in 1898 as a church school where a small group of African American girls learned marketable skills – cooking, 缝纫和照顾病人. 当时, there were limited opportunities for blacks to advance in the workforce and fewer opportunities for the children and grandchildren of emancipated slaves to build skills.

St. Philip’s began as a private school under the leadership of Bishop James Steptoe Johnson, who also founded the Texas 军事 Institution. A lawyer and Confederate, Johnson was the son of a prominent slave-holding family in Mississippi. He became an ordained priest in 1871.

几年内, the bishop hired then-23-year-old Artemisia Bowden, 前奴隶的女儿. 鲍登梦见圣. 菲利普的学校会是一所很棒的学校. 在她的52年里, she grew the institution from a day school to a normal school to an industrial school to a junior college. 

Part of Bowden’s legacy is the establishment of 圣安东尼奥 Union Junior 大学 区, 今天被称为 澳门新葡京博彩区. The uncertainty of funding led to the decision to first align with the local school district, 然后创建一个大学区.

St. Philip’s filled a need to educate Blacks in 圣安东尼奥. Because there was such a lack of access to education and training for African Americans, the college drew students from across Texas and from neighboring states where there were no opportunities for continuing education and degree attainment.

Bowden ushered the college through the expansion of the GI Bill, 这导致了入学人数的激增, and the integration of white students. 她的梦想是为圣. 菲利普的大学 to become a baccalaureate-offering institution.

2015年8月, Saint Artemisia Bowden was named president emeritus by 澳门新葡京博彩区 校董会 and was named a saint, 圣公会的圣女.

SPC works with industry partners to ensure that what students learn in the classroom aligns with the skills needed in the workforce. 在很多节目中, its lab equipment surpasses what students find in the real world, so our graduates are qualified through emerging technologies and prepared for the future.

1月26日,圣. 菲利普的大学 earned approval from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to begin offering a bachelor of applied technology in cybersecurity degree, pending approval by the Southern Association of 大学 and Schools Commission on 大学. This is the realization of Saint Bowden’s dream.

祝贺你125岁th 周年纪念日. St. 菲利普的大学 and its president, Dr. Adena Williams Loston are celebrating its 125th Anniversary with a 12-month lineup of events and observances in honor of this historic occasion. 欲了解更多信息,请访问: http://www.阿拉莫.edu/spc/about-spc/our-college/history/125th-anniversary/